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CB Legal

For law firms

CB Legal was founded to help law firms innovate, manage risk exposure, increase compliance, and capture the revenue benefits of Law as a Service.

Technology designed by lawyers for the legal sector

We understand that the legal sector has unique challenges and requirements, which can be a barrier to digital transformation. 

Our services and solutions are designed for the way law firms and their clients work, driving efficiencies and helping you do your job better.

What do you want to achieve?

  1. Deliver faster revenue recognition
  2. Save time and money in contract preparation, collaboration and assessment
  3. Drive workload efficiency and process optimization
  4. Reduce risk and achieve better compliance and obligation visibility
  5. Something else?
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About CB Legal

Cloud Business’ expertise is in finding the right solutions for your organisation, your people and your clients. Explore how we can help you:

Contract Lifecycle Management

Automate every stage of a contract’s life with an AI-driven platform. Learn more >

Law as a Service

Create new revenue streams with Law as a Service. Learn more >

Governance, risk and compliance

Increase visibility into risk exposure. Learn more >

Cloud security

Protect your organisation, people and data in the cloud. Learn more >

Drive operational efficiencies

Increase productivity and reduce costs. Learn more >

Digital transformation

Take your people on a digital transformation journey. Learn more >

Some of our customers

Cloud Business Legal provides innovative solutions to legal teams and law firms. Helping you manage risk, reduce costs, increase productivity and drive digital transformation. Here are just a few of our customers.

Contract Lifecycle Management

CB Legal has partnered with ContractPodAi, a UK based company, to provide law firms and their clients with best in class technology and process excellence to manage the lifecycle of their contracts.

ContractPodAi makes contract lifecycle management software more intuitive and intelligent, delivering the end-to-technology and tailored support you need to win. You can maximize the potential of every digital contract by perfectly balancing obligations, risks, and opportunities from a modern, fit-to-purpose cloud repository.

Law as a Service

"81% of corporate legal departments will require prospective law firms to describe their technology use to be more productive and efficient – nearly double the rate of 41% asked in 2020"

Wolters Kluwer, Future Ready Lawyer

Law as a Service (LaaS) provides your clients with technology that helps them manage risk exposure and streamline workloads.

With the CB Legal Foundation Platform & Ingestion App you can access multiple point to point integrations, liberate data from silos, and prevent duplication. 

With our support, you create new revenue streams that adds real value for your clients and drives legal innovation.


Rise of the Legal Platform

Click here for instant access >

Governance, risk and compliance

Cloud Business has extensive experience helping organisations manage governance, risk and compliance. We work across the public and private sector, supporting companies in the regulated industries, and end-users in legal, finance and compliance roles.

We understand the importance of having full visibility over all legal data, such as contracts, to protect your organisation from risk. We also understand that in order to manage your organisation’s risk exposure, you need a realtime data at your fingertips.

CB Legal has partnered with a select group of technology companies that provide secure and compliant solutions for law firms and in-house legal teams. We can help you identify the right tools for your organisation to help you manage risk and get the business insights required by C-suite and key decision-makers.

As a Microsoft Gold Partner we use industry best practice to protect data, users and IP. We can review and help you manage your data privacy policies and processes, and make sure you have the right protection solutions to comply with regulations like GDPR and the Data Protection Act; including policies for vendor privacy, vendor data processing, and security breaches.

CB Legal can also help design, deploy and enforce governance and security policies that protect your organisations while you get the benefits of your digital solutions.

Our partners

Cloud security

We put your people at the heart of Cloud Security services.

To minimise disruption caused by layers of security we make it our priority to understand your people and how they work. We then design IAM systems that ensure your users have the right level of access to the data, information and applications they need to be productive, while protecting them and your business from cyber security threats.

We factor in everything from devices, location, job role, seniority, risk and behavioural information to ensure security is appropriate, not a barrier to productivity. Working alongside our customers we see their security and access challenges from the inside, identifying risk and developing a solution that works for their business.


Key cyber security considerations for the legal sector

Learn more >

Drive operational efficiencies

Technology can help you reduce the cost of departments and functions that are often viewed as a cost centre. Driving efficiencies and increasing productivity. 

Automation of legal tasks and processes can result in a greater than expected return on investment (ROI). Speed is key to so many corporate legal teams, by automating some aspects of legal processes your teams can experience speed improvements of over 50 percent.

Technology innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are also driving efficiencies for in-house legal teams. AI-powered technology becomes the source for the efficient workflows such as in CLM. When employees no longer need to manage the process of the contract, time and money is saved.

Technology innovation can free your people and your clients from the administrative and repetitive tasks identified as pain points, so they are able to focus on higher-value work. Let us show you how!


Artificial Intelligence is transforming the contract management process

Learn more >

Digital transformation

Digital transformation is more than adopting a new technology that the IT department has selected. It’s about understanding your people’s needs, objectives, workloads and painpoints right from the offset, and taking them on a digital transformation journey that delivers real benefits to their working lives.

That’s what we do at CB Legal. We get to know your team, what they need to achieve and what will make their lives better. Then we build a solution or recommend technology and services, that will transform the way they work.

We take them on the journey to ensure the solution delivers the results required: maximising user adoption and supporting them all the way.

Learn more about our approach to digital transformation, explore our methodology here >


Digital transformation in legal – 5 steps to embrace change

Learn more >

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Cloud Business
5 Elmwood
Chineham Business Park
RG24 8WG

2024 © Cloud Business Enterprise Ltd

Registered Company in England and Wales 15375773

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