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We work with organisations from all walks of life, with different ambitions and requirements. Explore how we’ve helped them reimagine everyday, and align technology with their culture and business goals.

Why you need Microsoft 365 end user support

What are the benefits of outsourcing Microsoft 365 end user support, and is now the right time for your organisation? Find out here.
View case study >

Microsoft 365 Business Standard vs. Premium: Discover what’s right for your business

What's best for your organisation? Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Microsoft 365 Business Premium? Here we explore the features of each product to help you decide.
View case study >

How to optimise Microsoft 365 licence costs

Save money with these tips on how to optimise Microsoft 365 licence costs and ensure you're only paying for what you need.
View case study >

How to choose the right Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan for your organisation

With so many features, options and add-ons to choose from, how can you choose the right Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan for your organisation? Find out here.
View case study >

Microsoft 365 pricing, what we know about next year’s price rise

Microsoft 365 pricing is increasing in 2022. What impact will this have on your IT budget? Here we share what we know so far.
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Microsoft licensing optimisation – are you paying too much?

With Microsoft's news that prices for M365 and O365 are set to increase in 2022, Microsoft licensing optimisation has never been more important. Here 5 steps to reduce costs.
View case study >

Why you need Microsoft 365 end user support

Microsoft 365 is intuitive to use and, should you need support to troubleshoot an issue, there are plenty of answers on the Internet. 

However, that’s from the viewpoint of someone working in IT. Someone who already knows their way around the apps and services suite, knows a few workarounds to resolve common issues, and also knows where to get help if needed.

Not the average end user. While your end user community is increasingly tech savvy, not everyone is confident about trusting their intuition or searching for tech advice on the world wide web. While you know that to get permission to access something in SharePoint you can just click ‘request access’, your end user community might not know this. 

Learn more about End User Support services here >

Microsoft 365 end user support – where does all the time go?

That’s why most IT teams spend significant amounts of their working days, resolving Microsoft 365 related tickets. Password resets, registering a new phone with MFA, requests for permission to view somebody else’s calendar, and SharePoint permissions, are daily occurrences. 

As well as end user support tickets there are other M365 task that can be a drain on your time. Starters and leavers can be a bit of a headache. Setting up accounts, allocating licenses, providing the right permissions, and then making sure leavers are removed correctly and there’s no chance that a disgruntled employee could still access important data.

M365 licence management is another task that can take your IT team away from more strategic activities. With the recent price rise, it’s more important than ever to make sure your licensing is optimised effectively. Ensuring that you’re on the right plans and using the services to the max, means monitoring usage and making adjustments to ensure you’re getting value for money.

If you haven’t got enough resource internally, what can you do?

Outsource Microsoft 365 end user support!

Did you see that one coming?! Of course, if you’re time poor, don’t have internal capacity, or don’t want your highly skilled IT team spending their time on password resets, outsourcing Microsoft 365 end user support is the solution.

Typically, the right time to do this is when you agree with one or more of the following statements:

  • Projects are getting delayed because of the volume of 1st line tickets 
  • We’re thinking about hiring additional staff to help with IT support
  • Morale is low because the team don’t spend enough time on the things they’re paid for
  • IT support is costing more than it should because the team are paid more than the going rate for a 1st line service desk analyst
  • IT’s reputation is poor because we’re unable to offer end users support in a timely way
  • Organisational productivity is impacted by our current end user support model
  • We’re not getting value for money from our Microsoft 365 subscriptions

Outsourcing Microsoft 365 end user support is generally a more efficient way of managing tickets and requests than managing it in-house. It can deliver cost savings, increase productivity and technology adoption, minimises downtime and frees IT teams up to focus on their core competencies. 

With a Microsoft 365 Managed Service you can also get support with procurement, licence and cost optimisation, 1st, 2nd and 3rd line tickets, and also flex days that give you access to 365 professional services too.

Does your 365 license provider give you the support you need?

If you buy your Microsoft 365 licences direct from Microsoft, it’s down to you to provide your end users with IT support. However, if you procure your Microsoft 365 subscriptions from a Cloud Services Provider (CSP), they should also be providing your organisation with 1st line end user support. As part of a Microsoft reseller agreement, CSPs must provide their customers with support. 

However, not all IT support is equal. If your end users are not getting responses and resolutions that meet SLA targets, or the SLAs are not aligned with your organisation’s needs, you may want to explore an alternative service.

Recent changes to Microsoft’s CSP programme has made switching providers a little more challenging. Prior to the new NCE Per Seat model, you could move your 365 licence plans at any time to a different CSP. Now you are locked into the subscription term – monthly or annual – with the CSP, which makes it even more important to be happy with the end user support they provide.

This is not a problem for organisations with monthly 365 subscriptions as you can move to a different CSP relatively quickly. But if you have annual subscriptions and you’re thinking about switching, make sure you have visibility on when your annual terms end before they auto-renew.

For those organisations that procure 365 plans directly from Microsoft it’s worth exploring the benefits of purchasing via a CSP instead.

As well as Microsoft 365 end user support, CSPs can often offer more competitive pricing, and give you access to licensing experts to ensure you’re on the right plans and getting value from your services. You’ll also get access to cyber security experts too. If you need support exploring best practices and security options such as MFA, conditional access etc., a CSP is there to help.

Are you ready to outsource Microsoft 365 end user support?

Ultimately the reason organisations outsource end user support is to get stuff done. 

A high performing service desk reduces downtime, increases productivity and technology adoption, and helps end users get more value from the Microsoft 365 suite.

Outsourcing also helps your IT team get more stuff done. Freeing them from day-to-day support tickets so they can focus on the work they do best. As a by-product of a great service, it can also elevate IT’s reputation across the organisation and increase morale.

If you’re ready to outsource Microsoft 365 end user support and would like to discuss your options, please get in touch. We’d be happy to explore with you whether the time is right and make recommendations.

To find out more about end user support services click on the graphic below.

Microsoft 365 Business Standard vs. Premium: Discover what’s right for your business

The Microsoft 365 for business suite brings together office applications, Windows 10 or 11 and Enterprise Mobility and Security. It’s a powerhouse of productivity, communication, collaboration, and security. For organisations with fewer than 300 seats, there are four licensing options when deploying Microsoft 365: Microsoft 365 Apps, Business Basic, Business Standard, and Business Premium. 

Microsoft 365 Apps and Business Basic are the cheapest options but lack many features, which is why for most organisations Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Premium is the best fit.

Here we compare both products so you can decide what’s right for you.

Do you already subscribe to Microsoft 365 and want to know if your organisation is on the right plan for your requirements? Our free Microsoft 365 Licence Health Check explores your licence usage and adoption, and makes recommendations if there’s a better way to get the services you require. Learn more here >

Microsoft 365 Business Standard

A Microsoft 365 Business Standard licence includes Windows 10 or 11, with access to mobile, web and desktop office applications (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), as well as a suite of cloud services for collaboration and communications (Teams, Exchange, OneDrive and SharePoint). Business Standard users are protected with standard security and compliance features. It also includes some lesser-known applications, such as Microsoft Forms, Lists and Bookings, which can improve many business processes. 

Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Microsoft 365 Business Premium is the most feature-rich Microsoft license for businesses under 300 seats. Business Premium includes all the features in Business Standard, with additional advanced security features. These include the use of Intune, Azure Information Protection, and Microsoft Defender (soon to be Microsoft Defender for Business).


Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM) service. It allows businesses to control how devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops, are being used. It is also possible to configure policies for specific applications on a device.

The use of Intune can reduce the risk associated with shadow IT, BYOD programs, and enable efficient update and patch management. As hybrid work and remote work has become commonplace it is increasingly important to be able manage employees’ devices. With employees working away from the office, IT teams have less visibility over individual devices, which increases the chance of a cyberattack.

Azure Information Protection

Azure Information Protection (AIP) is a cloud-based service that allows businesses to discover, classify, and protect documents and emails by applying labels of the content. With efficient use of AIP, businesses can strengthen their security posture by setting limits on documents and users’ actions within a document.

The use of AIP enables businesses to have more granular visibility over where content is being distributed and how it is being used. This prevents illicit modification and distribution of data, solves the challenge of unauthorised individuals viewing sensitive content, and helps businesses meet regulatory data protection and compliance standards.

Microsoft 365 Defender / Microsoft Defender for Business

Microsoft 365 Defender is a security solution that uses AI to automatically analyse threat data across Microsoft 365 to build a picture of each attack within a single dashboard. This technology can stop attacks before they happen by reducing the attack surface and eliminating persistent threats.

In November 2021, Microsoft announced a new security solution that will be available within a Business Premium licence, Microsoft Defender for Business. This solution brings enterprise-grade capabilities to businesses under 300 seats with next-generation protection, endpoint detection and response, threat and vulnerability management, and more. This new addition provides even more value to a Business Premium licence.

Which Microsoft 365 licence is right for your business?

The key differences between Microsoft 365 Business Standard and Business Premium are the security features. Although Business Standard has all the communication, collaboration and productivity features to empower your employees to do their best possible work, it does not offer any advanced protection over these applications. This lack of protection increases the risk of a data breach or other cyberattack.

Over the past two years there has been a substantial increase in the number of businesses falling victim to a variety of cyberattacks, most commonly, ransomware. Microsoft Defender for Business, along with the other advanced security features reduces the chance of your business falling victim to such an attack. Similarly, if your business has remote or hybrid employees, the addition of Intune makes it easier to manage employee devices, regardless of where they are located. For all businesses, we recommend having a conversation with one of our team to ensure that your business makes the right decision when purchasing a Microsoft 365 license. Contact us today and we will be happy to help.

How to optimise Microsoft 365 licence costs

In March 2022 Microsoft 365 licence costs will increase by as much as 20% across the following 6 SKUs:

  • Microsoft 365: Business Basic, Business Premium, E3 
  • Office 365: E1, E3, E5

For many organisations the price increase will consume IT budget that is already allotted for other activities, using up a sizeable chunk of available spend. Consequently, if they haven’t already, IT teams urgently need to optimise Microsoft 365 licensing to reduce costs and protect IT budget.

Lock in your current Microsoft 365 prices until February 2023. Learn more here >

Microsoft 365 licence cost optimisation: the basics

Ahead of the price rise the first thing IT teams should do is ensure they are not over-provisioned. Review your licence counts and allocation to make sure you don’t have more licences than needed, and that those you have are allocated to people who need them.

Key areas to explore include:

  1. Licences assigned to users who have left your organisation
  2. Licences assigned to inactive users
  3. Licences assigned to users who only need a few services
  4. Licences that are unallocated

From this exercise you can see if there are opportunities to reduce your Microsoft 365 licence costs by purchasing fewer licences. You can also reassign unused licences to people who need them. Finally, you can review whether some users who are under-adopting services either require a different licence SKU with fewer services, or to be enrolled in a technology adoption programme to get more value from their tech.

Escape the price rise for 12 months

Another way to optimise your Microsoft 365 licence costs is to lock in current pricing for the next 12 months. If you renew a licence plan now, before 1st March 2022, with a 12 month subscription term the price increase will only be applied when that subscription ends in February 2023. 

This can buy you more time to plan for the eventual price increase when your subscriptions renew next year. 

Please note that at the same time as publicising the 365 licence price increase, Microsoft also announced that customers will no longer be able to decrease their licence count until end of the subscription term. You can increase your licence count and pay for additional licences pro rata, but you can’t remove licenses during the term. It is therefore important to ensure you keep your licence counts lean.

Get creative now to save on Microsoft 365 licence costs later in the year

If your organisation has seasonal fluctuations in the number of users requiring Microsoft 365 licences, or if you are planning for a period of growth this year, a bit of creativity now can save you money later.

For example, if your organisation needs to increase your licence count for Microsoft 365 Basic for the Christmas holiday season, you could purchase an annual subscription plan now with a minimal number of licences at the current pre-March price point. When you need to increase your licence count in November and December 2022, you can add those additional licences to your 12 month subscription still on the old pricing. Even though you may not require those additional licences in January 2023, you could still make a significant saving compared to procuring licences at the new price point on a monthly subscription term.

It is also worth speaking to your Cloud Service Provider (CSP) about whether they can discount 365 licence plans further. Many are offering competitive prices on annual subscription plans to help customers manage this price increase.

How to choose the right Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan for your organisation

Microsoft 365 Enterprise plans are licensed per user and, depending on which licence package you choose, provides your organisation and your people with Microsoft software and services products such as Office 365, Windows 10 Enterprise, and Enterprise Mobility + Security.  

Designed to provide end users with productivity, collaboration, mobility and business insights in a secure environment, Microsoft 365 delivers modern workplace technology for the way we work today. 

With the recent announcement from Microsoft that the cost of most M365 and O365 plans will increase from March 2022, choosing the right Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan that delivers the services you need without becoming over-provisioned, is vital. While Microsoft has made this decision as easy as possible, with so many different features, options and add-ons, identifying the right plan can be complex. 

In fact, you may even find that a Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan is not the most cost effective plan for your organisation. In some cases, even for companies with over 300 employees, a Microsoft 365 Business plan may be a better fit if not all users require access to the same software and services. 

Are you on the right Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan? Book a free 365 Licence Health Check to find out > 

5 tips for choosing a Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan 

Here are our tips for identifying the right Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan. If you would like an informal chat about your options, we’d be happy to share our advice. 

1: Assess your current IT environment 

What do you currently have that needs to integrate seamlessly in the Microsoft 365 cloud, or needs to be migrated? Identify all the devices your organisation has, the operating systems they run, the software, systems and data your users need and what’s business critical. 

2: What are the business drivers for Microsoft 365? 

A clear objective for moving to Microsoft 365 is the key to a successful migration. What do you want to achieve? Has does M365 support strategic objectives and business plans? What can’t you do now that M365 will facilitate? 

In the video below our CEO, James Butler, explains why having a purpose is so important for a successful 365 migration.

3: What do your people need? 

Not everyone in an organisation needs the full M365 stack. Over-provisioning is a common issue and reason why some enterprise organisations pay more than necessary. Identify what different departments and end users need to work effectively, and what technology will help them achieve their objectives. Mixing and matching different plans can often be more cost efficient and still ensures people have the right technology for their roles. 

4: Consider the pros and cons of different licensing programs 

Microsoft 365 Enterprise plans can be purchased through Microsoft licensing program channels. They are: 

  1. Microsoft Volume Licensing (VL), 
  1. Cloud Solution Provider program (CSP), and/or  
  1. Web Direct (MOSP) programs.  

More details on ways to buy can be found here. You may also find this blog post about purchasing your Microsoft 365 licensing via a CSP useful > 

5: Compare plans and review against your requirements 

For an overview of all the different Microsoft 365 and Office 365 plans and ‘service families’ visit the Microsoft website. Here you can compare what services are available in each plan and explore them in more detail by clicking on the relevant links. 

For some organisations combining different plans is the most effective way to ensure sufficient licencing and optimise costs. Also, some services are available as a standalone plan, which can also be combined with a M365 or O365 family plan. For example, if your organisation has 600 employees but under 300 users require access to the Office 365 platform whilst the remaining just need an email account, you could combine a 365 Business plan with a standalone Exchange Online plan to provide sufficient licensing. 

Get ROI from your Microsoft 365 Enterprise plan 

Once you’ve identified the right plan for your organisation and migrated to Microsoft 365, you’ll want to maximise your technology investment and ensure it is living up to expectations.  

Running regular usage reports can help you see whether your organisation is leveraging the usage rights you have and identify opportunities to increase technology adoption. If you are already on a Microsoft 365 plan and would like to explore this further, take advantage of our free Microsoft 365 licence health check here

Microsoft 365 pricing, what we know about next year’s price rise

Microsoft 365 pricing is going up for many licence SKUs from March 2022. Jared Spataro, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365, shared this announcement in a blog post on 19 August highlighting the innovations the company has delivered over the last decade.

While there is much to shout about in terms of the services and features available through these commercial products, what everyone really wants to know is how much IT budget Microsoft licensing will now consume.

At the time of writing, Microsoft has only announced figures for its US market, however the changes are global with some local market adjustments. We will update this blog post when we have confirmation on costs for UK customers, but here is what we currently know:

365 pricing plans affected by the price rise

Customers on education and frontline worker plans can breathe a sigh of relief, these plans are not affected. Nor are consumer products at this time. The 365 pricing changes that will go into effect in six months on 1st March 2022 are:

  • Microsoft 365: Business Basic, Business Premium and E3
  • Office 365: E1, E3 and E5

The big question – how much?

We estimate that 365 pricing will rise by between 10% and 20% in 2022 across these core SKUs.

Our understanding is that Nonprofits will continue to benefit from 365 Business Basic for free and receive discounts on other products, albeit at the new price point.

What else is changing?

If you purchase your Microsoft licensing via a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) there are a few additional changes that you need to know about. They are:

Fixed terms and less flexibility

Microsoft is also removing some of the flexibility you may currently enjoy. From March 2022 subscription terms will be rigorously enforced, so you won’t be able to scale your licences down until your subscription renewal date.

If you have a monthly subscription term you will be largely unaffected as you can adjust your licensing month by month. However, you can expect to see the largest increase in price for consuming 365 in this way.

Customers who have an annual subscription term, even when paying on a monthly basis, will benefit from a lower cost per user but won’t be able to reduce the quantity of licences during the term. Of course, you will be allowed to increase the number of licences, but you will have to remain at that level for the duration of your subscription term.

This puts the onus on you and your CSP to ensure you are on the right plan for your needs and factor in any future changes to the business that might impact your licensing. If your CSP is not proactively managing your licence optimisation we recommend that you review your current licensing now, make sure you’re not over-provisioned and explore more cost effective plans if possible. This will go some way to reduce the impact of the price rise in 2022.

We offer a free Microsoft Licence Health Check to review your current usage and make recommendations. Further details can be found here >

Monthly, annual & 3 year terms

Microsoft is introducing a 3 year term, alongside its current monthly and annual subscription terms. This could be beneficial if you are confident that your business won’t need to dramatically reduce licences in the next 12 – 36 months. The longer the subscription term, the lower the cost per user.

We expect that you will be able to pay monthly, annually or upfront, depending on how you want to spread the cost of your Microsoft licensing. Customers currently on an annual subscription plan will continue to be able to pay monthly or annually.

CSPs can offer discounts on the RRP

One of the advantages of purchasing your 365 licensing via a CSP is that we can often offer discounts on the RRP. This won’t change with the price rise, we will still offer discounts depending on your licence requirements and any other services you have from us.

Beat the price rise

Renewing your 365 subscriptions now rather than waiting for next year could be a good way of saving money and beating the price rise for some organisations. Those companies that want to get reduce licensing costs with an annual or 3 year term can renew in the next few weeks or months (from mid-October 2021) with their CSP and lock their 365 pricing in at the current rates for the duration of their term.

We would recommend that you start with a licensing review to ensure you’re on the right plan/s before renewing your current subscriptions, and align your licensing with any strategic plans taking effect in the period covered by your chosen subscription term.

What can you do now about 365 pricing?

Here’s our advice for preparing for the price rise:

  1. Don’t panic, yet! At the time of writing you’ve got 6 months before 365 pricing increases,
  2. Review your current Microsoft plans and usage. Our free 365 Licence Health Check is a good starting point >
  3. Speak to your CSP about how they can help you optimise costs further,
  4. Move plans or scale down licences in October, if you can, to reduce costs before the price rise,
  5. If you currently purchase your 365 plans directly from Microsoft, explore whether a CSP can offer discounts on the RRP with a 364 licensing management and optimisation service.

As more information and confirmation on 365 pricing for UK and EU customers becomes available, we will be updating our blog and social media. Keep checking in for further news or get in touch to discuss your organisation’s licensing in more detail.

Microsoft licensing optimisation – are you paying too much?

This week’s Microsoft licensing announcement is the first time Microsoft has increased licence costs for M365 and O365 plans in 10 years.

Effectively this will mean that, from 1st March 2022, M365 and O365 plans will increase between 10% and 20% per user per year. Microsoft 365 E5 will remain at the current price. Azure licensing is also untouched.

These price hikes add up significantly when you have high volumes of users. Enterprise organisations with 10,000 users could be faced with finding over £260,000 per year to maintain the same level of Microsoft services.

Already IT teams are under pressure to save money and make their IT budgets go further. This news from Microsoft will not be welcome.

Microsoft licensing – are you over-provisioned?

With demand for cloud services rocketing because of the pandemic, spending on Microsoft 365, O365 and Azure AD has seen substantial growth. But Microsoft licensing is complex and often it’s not clear exactly what you’re buying.

Our free Microsoft licence health check helps you identify cost optimisation opportunities and ensures you’re on the right plan. Book here >

In the scramble to deploy remote and hybrid work strategies, some organisations are now finding they’re over-provisioned or under-utilising the services they have available. As Microsoft licensing is already consumes a huge chunk of annual IT budget in many organisations, ensuring you’re on the right plan and not over licensed is a top priority.

How to optimise your Microsoft 365 and Azure AD licensing

If you suspect that you’re wasting money on licences you don’t need, the following steps will help:

Step 1: Remove or reassign licences assigned to users that have left your organisation

When we perform a Microsoft licence health check it often surprises our customers how many users still have licences assigned to them, even though they’ve left the company. Many organisations don’t have robust software asset management (SAM) processes in place, or simply a process where HR informs IT when someone is due to leave.

Ask your HR department for a report on all employees who have left your organisation since you last reviewed your licence pool, then export a report from the Admin Portal for all licensed users. Cross reference the two reports to identify licensed users that have left the organisation and either remove those licences completely or reassign to new recruits. 

While you’re at it, set up a process with HR to ensure you’re notified of leavers and new starters so you can better manage your licence pool.

Step 2: Review your Microsoft licence pool

Best practice is to keep a licence pool to manage the ebb and flow of leavers and new starters, or spikes in demand such as when contractors need licences for specific projects. However, a high percentage of licences in your pool can mean a lot of unnecessary cost. 

By understanding your organisation’s licence usage by department, location or business function, over a period of time, you will get a better idea of how big your licence pool needs to be. 

Step 3: Identify unused licenses assigned to current users

We often find users within an organisation that have been assigned a licence for a specific project and 12 months after the project has closed, they still have the licence. A licence usage report will help you analyse what has been assigned but is not in use. 

Similarly, there may be users who have been assigned a full E5 or E3 licence who have no need for all the services included. We see this particularly in manufacturing and retail where many users ‘on the shop floor’ only need email. An Office F1 license bundled with an Exchange Online Plan, could be much more cost effective.

Having identified unused licences, you can now work with different areas of your organisation to understand their usage requirements and potentially remove or reassign licences to users in other areas of the business.

Step 4: Increase technology adoption to get better ROI

Effective Microsoft licence management is not just about slashing costs. It’s also about ensuring you’re getting a positive return on your technology investment. Licence usage reports can help you identify users or areas of the business where cloud services are not being fully adopted and who is not getting the productivity and collaboration benefits of the 365 stack.

Having identified those users or groups you can then target them with a user adoption campaign or training programme. A Day in a Life workshop that highlights the products and services they have available, and how they can transform their working day, is a great way to increase adoption. Another key area to consider is the End User Support services you provide. High quality service desk support has a positive impact on technology adoption.  

Step 5: Review your different Microsoft plans

If your organisation has multiple Microsoft licensing plans you may be paying more than once for the same licences. As well as enterprise plans, Microsoft also allows end users to purchase different plans, which again can mean your organisation pays twice for Microsoft licensing. For example, end users can now purchase the Microsoft Power Platform: Power BI, Power Apps and Power Automate.

Even if you’re not over-provisioned when business users purchase plans directly, it is still problematic. There may be compliance issues, after all it’s effectively shadow IT, and you lose control over costs and licence management.

Another way to reduce your Microsoft licensing costs is to purchase your licensing via a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). They can often offer discounts on the RRP, and they will provide you with licensing management services to drive further cost savings.

More on the benefits of working with a CSP can be found in this blog post >

Beat the price rise

Depending on your current subscription term/s, it may be advantageous to renew sooner rather than later and beat the 2022 price rise. Microsoft offer monthly and annual subscription terms, and has also announced a new 3 year term. While longer terms are not as flexible as a monthly subscription where you can adjust your licence pool month by month, if you’ve optimised your current licensing and don’t expect to need to scale down in the next 12 months, an annual term will be more cost effective. If you would like to discuss these options, please get in touch.

With six months to go before Microsoft effects its price hike, now’s the time to optimise your Microsoft licensing and ensure you’re only paying for what you need. To help you get started, take advantage of our free Microsoft Licence Health Check to find out what you’re currently using. We’ll also make recommendations to save money, and hopefully lessen the impact of this unwelcome news.

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