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We work with organisations from all walks of life, with different ambitions and requirements. Explore how we’ve helped them reimagine everyday, and align technology with their culture and business goals.

6 reasons to move to a cloud-based phone system

Are you wanting to save money on your business phone system? Move to a cloud-based phone system for a myriad of benefits! Learn more here >
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Hybrid working: how technology can support your move to a hybrid workplace

Technology can support the move to hybrid working to ensure employees can be product, collaborate effectively, and stay secure, no matter where they are located. Learn more here.
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Microsoft Teams for Unified Communications

Microsoft Teams is a powerful remote collaboration tool, however what makes Teams such an attractive unified communications solution? Find out in our blog >
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A business telephony upgrade could be the answer to a sustainable future

If working from home is likely to continue into 2021, is it time to upgrade your business telephony system? According to the latest UK government report, 46.6% of those in employment worked from home in April. In the short term, working remotely is keeping employees safe amid the coronavirus pandemic, but there’s growing evidence to suggest that companies will benefit from remote working after the Covid risk has subsided. Though lockdowns have been a challenge for some, research suggests that the average worker saves £44.78 per week by working from home, while two-thirds believe they’re more productive. In Northern Ireland, a recent survey revealed that over 40% of employers expect to be using a hybrid work model in six months. Most importantly, employees seem to support a more flexible model. A survey from HubbleHQ in June found that 61% of workers have changed their view on remote working since the pandemic, with 86% wanting to work at least one day a week from home in the future. An evolving workforce requires evolving technology With this heavy trend towards flexible working, unified communications are being recognised as the way forward. The sudden switch to home working back in March caused many businesses to realise gaps in their efficiency as they suddenly require an abundance of video call, file-sharing, and collaboration tools. Business telephony systems that support remote working is an area that many organisations have not yet addressed. Fortunately, technology companies have developed integrations that let employees communicate and collaborate effectively from any location within the familiar interface of Microsoft Teams. Rather than fracturing the workforce into different solutions, it lets organisations better unlock the benefits of Microsoft 365. Tight integration with Teams allows for inbound and outbound external calls without added complexity. Whether the receiver is in the UK or abroad and is a Teams contact or not, users benefit from direct dialling, internationally. Still, while these are major benefits, perhaps more vital is the sustainability cloud telephony solutions can provide. As the second wave of Covid-19 rises and concerns of a third, fourth and so on are persistent, strong remote working tools can provide resilience today and in the future. Given the country’s situation right now, the short-term benefits of a good cloud telephony system are obvious. Employees can make and take calls from their home in a way that’s integrated with existing software. However, there are also benefits in the long-term; businesses don’t have to rely on unreliable hardware and its upkeep cost, nor do they need an office space from which employees can use physical desk phones. Furthermore, while traditional telephony has remained static for many years, cloud-based solutions tend to evolve with the times. This means that businesses can adapt more easily to changes in the economy, workplace culture, and future health crises. With features like call recording, for example, legal and financial departments can continue their work remotely while still meeting MiFID II compliance standards. Organisations can capture and record all communications Microsoft Teams with no need for additional, time consuming, third-party software. At the same time, businesses can reduce call costs, optimise bandwidth, and scale infinitely while keeping their existing numbers. Thanks to hybrid platforms, you can migrate smoothly from your existing phone system but also integrate it where it makes sense. The bottom line The Covid-19 pandemic has placed great stress on businesses, but it also represents an opportunity to innovate and modernise. By taking advantage of feature-rich unified communications solutions, companies can increase their chances of weathering any storm even as competitors are blown away. Though the times we’re in are challenging, we’re here to guide you through. Our specialists will help you upgrade your telephony in the most cost-effective way without a loss to quality. Contact us today for a consultation.
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6 reasons to move to a cloud-based phone system

Over the past 18 months businesses have gone through a rapid digital transformation. They have introduced new technologies or moved existing technologies to the cloud to enable remote and hybrid working. One of these technologies are cloud-based phone systems. 

What is a cloud-based phone system?

A cloud-based phone system has all the features of on-premises phone systems, but without any physical hardware required for employees to use it. As it is hosted in the cloud, it also means that it can be accessed and used from anywhere, on any device. 

Download our ebook – Solving flexible working challenges with cloud-based calling – to learn more about Microsoft 365 Business Voice >

Here we explore 6 key benefits of moving to a cloud-based phone system. 

The benefits of cloud-based phone systems

1: Easy to scale

With a traditional phone system, as businesses grow and employee new staff, there are significant resources needed to add additional users. As with many services hosted in the cloud, it is easy to add a user to a cloud-based phone system. This means that businesses only need to pay for the services they need and it supports growth without having to worry about having a phone solution for new hires. Similarly, for businesses with a temporary workforce, such as an intake of interns or contract workers, having a cloud-based telephony solution makes this process easier, and reduces costs.

2: Work from anywhere

With the advent of hybrid working, it is important that all technology used within a business can be used from anywhere on any device. With a cloud telephony solution, such as Microsoft 365 Business Voice, businesses can keep their existing numbers and features of their previous phone system, whilst allowing employees to take calls from home, the office or on the go with the Teams mobile app.

3: Better customer engagement

A phone system is an important component of the customer experience. A comprehensive cloud telephony solution can enhance the customer experience, and lead to better customer engagement and profitability. Many cloud-based phone systems can also integrate with your current customer relationship management system, which helps employees deliver quality customer experiences, and the data can be analysed to help businesses make data-driven business decisions.

4: Easy to use

When businesses implement new technologies, there is often a period of adjustment, where employees need to be trained on how to use the technology and troubleshoot any minor issues. With a cloud-based phone system, if an employee has experience using a traditional phone system or Microsoft Teams, they will be able to use the new system with little or no training.  Businesses can use existing hardware, or simply use the Teams desktop application as their entire phone system.

5: Advanced call features

There are many advanced call features that can be implemented with a cloud-based phone system to provide a better experience for customers and increase productivity and reporting capabilities for businesses. Some of the advanced features included with Microsoft 365 Business Voice include the addition of an auto-attendant, interactive voice response (IVR) and music on hold. An auto-attendant helps customers connect with the correct employee or team, decreasing the amount of time customers spend on hold, creating a better customer experience. IVR allows callers to self-serve their call experience and solve their own query through automated call management paths. 

6: Faster install

Businesses that used a traditional phone system will be accustomed to the long wait times involved with the install of a new phone. For a traditional phone system, an IT team must physically install the phones and the associated lines and hardware. In comparison, a cloud-based phone system does not require any on-premises hardware and can often be install within a few days. All troubleshooting and maintenance can also be completely remotely, decreasing downtime and helping business increase productivity.

A comprehensive phone solution is essential for a successful business as phone calling is a component of the customer experience. Businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from implementing a cloud-based phone system. If you want to find out more about cloud-based telephony, or how easy it can be to implement one in your business, get in contact with us today.

Hybrid working: how technology can support your move to a hybrid workplace

The move to a hybrid workplace promises a myriad of benefits including increased collaboration, productivity and a better work-life balance. For this reason, it is no surprise that 91% of the global workforce expect to be working in some form of hybrid arrangement over the coming months. However, the hybrid workplace model will take some time to refine as there are many factors that must work together to support the changing workplace. One of the key factors that is integral to the long term success of hybrid working, is technology.

In the past 12 months most large technology companies have shifted their focus to adapting and creating technology that will suit hybrid working and provide a better experience for users, wherever they are working. 

In this article we identify key technologies to support your business’s move to a hybrid workplace.

Video conferencing with Microsoft Teams

Meetings with both physical and remote attendees are more complex than traditional meetings or virtual meetings. The key challenge is how to ensure that all attendees have the same experience, regardless of where they are located. Microsoft Teams aims to address these challenges with additional features such as the ‘Front Row’ along with changes to the user interface to increase productivity and collaboration in hybrid meetings. If you want to find out more about how to run an effective hybrid meeting read our recent blog.

Email protection

When employees moved from working in an office space to working from home there was a massive rise in phishing emails and phishing related cyberattacks. This trend will likely continue with the advent of hybrid work, with phishing being used as an attack vector to carry out ransomware attacks. User education and awareness is a key factor in avoiding a phishing attack, but it shouldn’t be the only line of defence. As businesses move to hybrid work, they should consider implementing a software defence to stop phishing attacks before they even enter an employee’s inbox. Mimecast uses AI to detect and quarantine any potential phishing attacks, keeping organisations safe from data breaches and ransomware attacks.

Work from anywhere with virtual desktops

Businesses that are trying to reduce hardware costs, or create more flexibility for employees, may have considered a Bring-Your-Own-PC (BYOPC) programme. A BYOPC programme seems ideal for hybrid working, however it poses a significant security risk as employees’ laptops may be infected with malware or may not have the same security policies as required by the business. This problem can be solved with virtual desktops through Azure Virtual Desktop and cloud PCs through Windows 365. These solutions allow users to connect to virtual desktops running on the Azure cloud. This gives the full Windows experience on any device, from any location with the security policies set up by the administrator. The recent release of Windows 365 has made it even easier for business to introduce cloud PCs to employees with simple per user per month pricing.

Employee experience platforms

The advent of remote and hybrid working can make it difficult for employees to stay connected with the wider business if not all employees work in the office on the same days. Similarly, many employees find it difficult to balance productivity and wellbeing whilst working from home. To solve these challenges, Microsoft has released Viva. Viva is an employee experience platform designed to foster an organisational culture where people and teams are empowered to be their best from anywhere. This solution contains modules to help employees stay connected to the wider business, increase productivity, organises content across the business and provide learning and development opportunities. The key to effective hybrid working is to focus on the employee experience, and Viva excels at this.

Phone call with Teams

For businesses that rely on telephone systems for day-to-day business, a traditional phone system may not be suitable for hybrid working. Transferring calls between an office and an employee’s home is difficult and can lead to a poor experience for customers. A cloud-based phone solution, such as Microsoft Business Voice, allows businesses to keep their existing phone numbers whilst allowing employees to make and answer calls from anywhere, on any device. Business Voice is also integrated with Teams, which means all calls, meetings, chats and files are housed in a single application. Moving to a cloud-based telephony solution is perfect for hybrid work and can reduce costs through streamlining technology.

Register for our next Microsoft Teams Business Voice Workshop here >

The move to hybrid marks a new era in the way the world views work. An effective hybrid work scheme can allow employees can be more productivity, have a better work-life balance and employers can potentially reduce overhead costs to increase profitability. For these benefits to be realised, technology will have to play a large part in supporting the new workplace.

Microsoft Teams for Unified Communications

Microsoft Teams recently hit the milestone of 145 million active users, with much of the focus being on its ability to power effective remote collaboration. Teams, however, can be considered to have another dimension: its unified messaging (UM) technology.

Teams brings individual and group messaging, video calling, conferencing, and enterprise telephony together. For many businesses, it has proven incredibly effective, with some of the world’s largest corporations jumping on board.

“Customers like GM and Sanofi are using Teams for unified communications including for voice,” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella informed investors in Microsoft’s latest earnings call.

Download our ebook on cloud-based telephony for more information about Microsoft Teams Voice >

While Teams may feel to some like a rebrand of Skype for Business or even Lync, Microsoft has emphasised that Teams uses little Skype for Business code. Indeed, its unified communications functionality has been almost completely modernised and re-written. Crucially, Teams is a fully cloud-based solution, forgoing the on-premises deployments offered by its predecessors and offering new benefits as a result.

What makes Teams a great Unified Communications solution?

By integrating many of their existing apps and solutions into Teams, companies simplify the entire communications process. Rather than jump between various apps, employees can communicate with multiple stakeholders, across multiple channels, in the same place they access their files, meeting notes, and document collaboration tools. Further integration with existing SharePoint and Office 365 Group capabilities makes Teams a strong pick for many businesses as they move towards a hybrid work model.

In fact, it has quickly become clear that employees in can be far more effective with this unified messaging framework in place. A Forrester study revealed that 88% of IT decision makers believe Teams’ ability to provide all their solutions in one place saves time. 80% said that it created more clarity when it came to communication, with information workers on average saving four hours a week because of this and one hour due to reduced app switching.

Utilising Microsoft Teams for UC also helps organisations reduce downtime and save costs. Housing all resources in a single cloud-based location enables lower complexity fewer issues when compared to on-premises solutions. This ultimately leads to lowered training costs and reduced productivity loss due to outages.

Unified messaging in Teams also tends to reduce licensing costs and instances of shadow IT. As employees become acclimatised to a universal communications system, they’re less likely to reach out through traditional calls, third-party software, or alternate messaging apps. This not only increases security, but allows some to phase out on-premises deployments and legacy telephony entirely. The result for the business is a more predictable budget, for employees significantly more flexibility.

Balancing communication and collaboration

Though many enterprises choose to use Microsoft Teams as a “one size fits all” tool for unified communications and collaboration, it’s worth considering the two aspects independently when adopting. While the benefits of housing both under one roof can be huge, there are differing requirements when it comes to data storage and access.

For example, phase one might be a partial deployment of Teams, using Teams solely for unified messaging and telephony and retaining existing storage and collaboration solutions. Phase two would be to transition to Teams for file sharing, where appropriate. Considering these options when it comes to deployment can help an enterprise capitalise on the benefits of Teams’ UC far faster.

If you’d like to chat about unified communications in Teams and the best deployment strategy for you, get in touch. We can help you leverage its benefits in a streamlined, cost-effective way. 

A business telephony upgrade could be the answer to a sustainable future

If working from home is likely to continue into 2021, is it time to upgrade your business telephony system?

According to the latest UK government report, 46.6% of those in employment worked from home in April. In the short term, working remotely is keeping employees safe amid the coronavirus pandemic, but there’s growing evidence to suggest that companies will benefit from remote working after the Covid risk has subsided.

Though lockdowns have been a challenge for some, research suggests that the average worker saves £44.78 per week by working from home, while two-thirds believe they’re more productive. In Northern Ireland, a recent survey revealed that over 40% of employers expect to be using a hybrid work model in six months.

Most importantly, employees seem to support a more flexible model. A survey from HubbleHQ in June found that 61% of workers have changed their view on remote working since the pandemic, with 86% wanting to work at least one day a week from home in the future.

An evolving workforce requires evolving technology

With this heavy trend towards flexible working, unified communications are being recognised as the way forward. The sudden switch to home working back in March caused many businesses to realise gaps in their efficiency as they suddenly require an abundance of video call, file-sharing, and collaboration tools.

Business telephony systems that support remote working is an area that many organisations have not yet addressed. Fortunately, technology companies have developed integrations that let employees communicate and collaborate effectively from any location within the familiar interface of Microsoft Teams. Rather than fracturing the workforce into different solutions, it lets organisations better unlock the benefits of Microsoft 365. Tight integration with Teams allows for inbound and outbound external calls without added complexity. Whether the receiver is in the UK or abroad and is a Teams contact or not, users benefit from direct dialling, internationally.

Still, while these are major benefits, perhaps more vital is the sustainability cloud telephony solutions can provide. As the second wave of Covid-19 rises and concerns of a third, fourth and so on are persistent, strong remote working tools can provide resilience today and in the future.

Given the country’s situation right now, the short-term benefits of a good cloud telephony system are obvious. Employees can make and take calls from their home in a way that’s integrated with existing software. However, there are also benefits in the long-term; businesses don’t have to rely on unreliable hardware and its upkeep cost, nor do they need an office space from which employees can use physical desk phones. Furthermore, while traditional telephony has remained static for many years, cloud-based solutions tend to evolve with the times.

This means that businesses can adapt more easily to changes in the economy, workplace culture, and future health crises. With features like call recording, for example, legal and financial departments can continue their work remotely while still meeting MiFID II compliance standards. Organisations can capture and record all communications Microsoft Teams with no need for additional, time consuming, third-party software.

At the same time, businesses can reduce call costs, optimise bandwidth, and scale infinitely while keeping their existing numbers. Thanks to hybrid platforms, you can migrate smoothly from your existing phone system but also integrate it where it makes sense.

The bottom line

The Covid-19 pandemic has placed great stress on businesses, but it also represents an opportunity to innovate and modernise. By taking advantage of feature-rich unified communications solutions, companies can increase their chances of weathering any storm even as competitors are blown away.

Though the times we’re in are challenging, we’re here to guide you through. Our specialists will help you upgrade your telephony in the most cost-effective way without a loss to quality. Contact us today for a consultation.

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